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1) Attached [Application Form for GCC] GCC申请表

2) Attached [Declaration for a Notified Body] 给公告机构的声明文件

3)Business Registration certificate for Manufacturers & Applicant 制造商与申请商的营业执照

4) Technical documentation 技术文件

- general description of toys玩具产品描述

-detailed description with conceptual design and manufacturing drawings, 详细的描述设计意图和制造图纸

- list of components, materials, sub-assemblies and circuits used in the toy 产品材料清单(BOM表)

- safety data sheets on chemicals used, to be obtained from the chemical suppliers;


- descriptions and explanations necessary说明书

- results of design calculations made, examinations carried out

- a description of the conformity assessment procedure followed and test reports.合格评定程序描述附上测试报告

- Test Report : EN 71 / ISO 8124检测报告

6) Manual or instruction (Arabic only) 说明书(阿拉伯文)

7) ID label (Arabic only) 标签(见附表)

8) Risk Assessment Report 风险评估报告

9) ISO 9001 for Manufacturers & Factories 制造商和工厂的ISO证书

10) Service Manual & Specification 服务手册

11) GCC certificate for Components & Acc. (Plug, charger, adapter etc.)零部件的GCC证书

12) For Main components (Motor, SMPS etc.)主要部件检测报告

12-1) Safety Test Report with national differences for GSO Member states

12-2) EMC Test Report with national differences for GSO Member states

12-3) Service Manual & Specification

13-1) Evidence for provided information with the product : Manufacturer's address, trademark, name制造商地址,商标

13-2) Evidence for provided information with the product : Importer's address, name进口商地址,商标

14) Safety information including Warnings, Cautions (Arabic only):警告标签

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