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BS 8509-2008+A1:2011 家用儿童床-安全要求及测试方法

适用范围: 适合内部宽度不超过1000mm,床底高度不超过600的儿童床。


5Chemical hazards化学危害
5.1Migration of certain elements (for coating, accoridng to BS EN 71-3)元素迁移(针对涂层,依据BS EN 71-3)

Total content and migration of formaldehyde (for textile, according to BS EN ISO 14184-1)可迁移甲醛总量(针对纺织品,依据BS EN ISO 14184-1)

Wood based panels – Determination of formaldehyde content – Extraction method called the perforator method(BS EN120)
6Thermal hazards热危害
6.2Flash effect (according to BS EN 1103) 闪火测试(依据BS EN 1103)
6.3Flame propagation (accoridng to BS EN 71-2, clause 4.4)火焰传播测试(依据BS EN 71-2, 条款 4.4)
6.4Melting behaviour of materials (accoridng to BS EN 71-2, clause 4.4)材料熔化性能测试(依据BS EN 71-2, 条款 4.4)
7Mechanical hazards - gaps and openings
7.1.1Entrapment of head and neck
7.1.2partially bound, V and irregular shaped openings
7.2entrapment of fingers
7.3Entrapment in bed base or between bed base and other structures
8Mechanical hazards - folding机械伤害-折叠
8.1.1Incomplete deployment 
8.1.2Unintentional release of folding mechanisms
9Mechanical hazards - crushing and shearing机械伤害-压迫和剪切
10Mechanical hazards - protruding parts机械伤害-突出部分
11Mechanical hazards - entanglement in cords, ribbons and similar parts机械伤害-绳子,带子及类似物缠绕危害测试
12Mechanical hazards - small parts机械伤害-小部件
13Mechanical hazards - suffocation机械伤害-窒息
14Mechanical hazards - edges and protruding parts机械伤害-利边
15Mechanical hazards - points and wires机械伤害-尖点
16Mechanical hazards - inadequate structural integrity - materials and fastenings机械伤害-结构整体性缺陷-材料和紧固件
17Mechanical hazards - inadequate structural integrity - vertical static strength of bed base edges机械伤害-结构整体性缺陷-床架边缘垂直静载强度
18Mechanical hazards - inadequate structural integrity - vertical impact strength of bed base机械伤害-结构整体性缺陷-床架边缘垂直冲击强度
19Mechanical hazards - inadequate structural integrity - durability of bed base机械伤害-结构整体性缺陷-床架疲劳
20Mechanical hazards - inadequate structural integrity - durability of bed edge机械伤害-结构整体性缺陷-床边疲劳
21Mechanical hazards - inadequate structural integrity - strength of head and foot boards.机械伤害-结构整体性缺陷-床头与床尾板的强度
22Mechanical hazards - inadequate structural integrity - strength of side guards and/or safety rails机械伤害-结构整体性缺陷-床侧护板与安全栏的强度
23Mechanical hazards - inadequate structural integrity - strength of top rails for four poster features机械伤害-结构整体性缺陷-四支柱顶部导轨的强度
24Product Information (marking, durability of marking, purchase information, instruction for use) 产品信息(商标,商标耐用性,购买信息,使用说明)

样品要求Sample required: 2 sets of completed products with assembly instruction (if applicable) are required. 1 more set required for toxicity/flammability test.

测试周期Turnaround time: normal (5 working days) for other testing and TAT for EN 120 is 10 working days and varied upon usage of chamber.





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